Look@LAN Portable Network Monitor

22 Agustus 2009

Look@LAN is a Portable application that allows a user to monitor which clients are connected to a local network. Look@LAN will display the IP addresses of any computer attached to your local network and will determine if the machines are online or offline and can display if the computer is using a Windows operating system or not. You can limit scan ranges based on IP address, network adapter, or port types. Plus the utility ships with ping, traceroute, and a tree-based network viewer already built in.

How to make Look@LAN Portable:

  1. Download the Look@LAN Installer
  2. Run the installer and proceed to install
  3. Once the installer has finished, copy the Look@LAN directory from your program files directory ( I.E. C:\Program Files\Look@LAN) to your USB flash drive
  4. Launch the program via LookAtLan.exe from the Look@LAN folder on your USB flash drive

You can now uninstall Look@LAN from your PC if you wish